The BRIM implicit motivation modules
Designed as an add-on to your surveys and focus groups market research, here’s implicit motivation technology made accessible, fast and budget-friendly.Fully automated statistical modelling Data visualisation dashboardReady-to-use modules
Body care health motives
Customers care for their skin more than ever, but which brands do they place their trust in, and why?
Ecology Motives
In market research, most consumers tend to be more ecologically committed than they are in reality…
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Health Food Motives
Today’s consumers value local, natural, organic and sustainable offerings. But how do these relate to the t purchase decisions…
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Food Motives
Our relationship with food is a complicated one. Next, there is the much more intricate question of what to eat, exactly.
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Sexual Motives
What it does measure is what exact form, type or incarnation of sensuality is important in the category you operate in.
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Trust Motives
Trust is what fuels human relationships. It defines the laws of attraction…
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Implicit motivation modules for Agencies
Close the gap between what consumers say and do
Count on our Implicit Motivation Modules to up the ante in your market research, infusing it with an extra layer of truthfulness and using it to expose consumer’s true motives.
Bypass customer’s biases and present your client with clear, actionable results
Upgrade your data by adding an implicit study to your existing research
Go easy on your respondents, taking only 3 minutes of their time
Combine classic market surveying and implicit research and you’ll have yourself a powerful tool to understand customer behaviour.
Complement your declarative research
For humans, expressing what we think is hard. That’s because most of our thinking and feeling happens under the hood, below the threshold of conscious thought. This makes it hard brand owners to gauge their customer’s motives for buying their brand, or being loyal to it.
While declarative market research uncovers your customer’s behaviour, implicit research will tell you exactly what’s behind his purchase decisions. In other words: you’ll know exactly why your customers choose you—even though they don’t.
In just a couple of days, you’ll have results coupled with clear insights on what your consumers expect from your brand.
The magical 95% of hidden brain activity that drives consumer behaviour
Each of our research modules have been validated and calibrated across cultures and continents. With over 500.000 consumer responses, we have refined the art of tapping into the brain activity that drives 95% of consumer preference, purchase decisions and brand loyalty.
Projects in
30 countries
Motivational profiles for
100+ brands
Consumer responses
50 million
Customers in
4 continents